Usually, we do not pay attention to what this particular preacher has to say, because he does not seem to give us the impression that he is preaching to win souls, but just for recognition. So, this Sunday, we happened to hear him preach at Dr. Jamal Bryant's church, Empowerment Temple and he allegedly made an odd statement about David's dancing, which is revealed in 2 Samuel 6:14. The same excuse Mary Mary uses to be like the world, we were shocked he stated the same thing that has nothing to do with being holy. He and Mary Mary reveals the particular scripture about David dancing, but the fail to include the scripture that told each and every last one of use who is suppose to be children of God this very commandment: "Be ye holy, for I am holy (I Peter 1:16)."
Prophet Todd Hall is most popular, because he seems to have a traditional style of preaching and causes much laughing among the pews with his jokes. However, by these very twisted words reveals he is not preaching according to the tradition of the gospel of Jesus Christ: "you shout with your mouth, you don't shout feet. You dance with your feet as the Bible says, and David dance, you know choreographer..." First and foremost, we fear for the black church, because even after the death of the late Dr. Zachery Tims, they are yet trying to make it okay to be like the world. They are yet having church in a worldly fashion as though they are in a night club. It seems like many of these so-call preachers do not fear God enough to start being different and do things His way. This very scripture is for each and everyone who tries to make it okay to glorify God, the same way the world glories and praises Satan, "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world, he that loveth the world the love of the Father is not in him (or her)(I John 2:15)." Therefore, David never danced the way the world danced, but he glorified God and the reason why the church used to say "shout", whenever people used to "dance under the anointing" of God, is simply, because they desired to use a word that was not similar to the way the world says it. But in today's church, many so-call prophets and prophetess have God's Word so twisted. They have confused those who do not desire to "shout" under the power of God, because they only want to preach what is popular in order to keep their recognition and keep much tithes and offerings. So, if any so-call man or woman of God is too proud to say "shout", especially in the black church, it proves how messed up church leadership is and how much the anointing in praising God has left many churches. Prophet Todd Hall is teaching a twisted doctrine that tries to ignore holiness by explaining the dictionary's meaning. For example, shout means shouting with your mouth; however, that's not how people of holiness have church. They shout with their mouth and with their feet, dancing in the spirit means to "shout" with your feet in the a real sanctified church. Todd Hall acts like he is so foreign to knowing how to praise God for real and have real church.
You may think it is irrelevant to bring this issue before the people of God; however, you may not be a true child of God if this is you, simply because, we take testimonies of people who have been to hell, very seriously. We've heard the testimony of Angelica Zambrano who allegedly saw Michael Jackson, Selina and Pope John Hall burning in eternal hell, fire and brimstone. One of the things this teen informed us, is this: Michael Jackson's dance steps came from the demons in hell, just how he danced is how she saw them doing the same steps. Therefore, the purified holiness and righteous church should not be dancing like the world; therefore, even if it means expressing the dancing under the anointing of God by saying, "shout", then so be it, because God told us to be holy and to have nothing to do with the ways of the world. God wants so much distinction, so that He may be glorified and honored as our Most High God. The way we praise and worship God, should never be similar to the way Satan is glorified and praised by the world. Therefore, Hall's statement this morning that shout only means with your mouth dancing means like choreographer dancing with your feet is certainly obsolete in the Kingdom of God. When you shout (dance under the anointing of God), you do not need a choreographer. Your footsteps are guided by the Holy Spirit.
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» The Twisted Doctrine of Prophet Todd Hall
You're twisting his words. He tells people to shout NOT ONLY with just your feet bout shout unto God with your voices. Which is how the term shouting is used in the bible. Shout = a sound from the mouth and that's in the Word
Paul was all things to all people for the sake of the Gospel... I haven't even listened to Mr. Hall yet. I thought I would see what folks had to say about the man first. After finding such petty criticism as this, I will consider it a green light to check him out. Even a man living above reproach can suffer more "trolling" than this in today's age, so he should actually thank you for the endorsement ;)
Todd Hall use to frequent a church that I attended and he would talk for about 3 hours almost until midnight. He called one scripture at the beginning of the message and did not reference it anymore nor did he call any other scriptures. If he is not preaching the scriptures (the voice of God) what exactly is he preaching. Carnality.
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