Did Bishop Eddie Long Learn Anything From Zachery Tims Death?

We ask you this very serious question, because every since the death of Zachery Tims, we see nothing has changed in the church services at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church.   Did Bishop Eddie Long learn anything from Zachery Tims death?   No, God did not cause Zachery Tims to die, but he allowed his death to get the attention of these crooked ministers, just like many others who were killed in various tragedies many years ago.   For example, if you were raised in the black church, then you can recall the horrific shock, regarding the death of the late Rev. Paul Jones, a baptist pastor, gospel artist and a friend of Yolanda Adams who was allegedly killed by his young gay lover back in 1990.  He died at the young age of only 30 years old. Clothing, jewelry and a 1988 Jaguar belonging to Jones were stolen. Jones was shot in the head, buttocks and elsewhere. He was found dead in his two-story luxury home in a suburban area of Harris County, Texas.   People in the church talked about getting serious with God back then just how they are doing so now, over 20 years later.  However, as life goes on, they act as though it was just a tragic incident and then, these ministers and their followers continue doing evil things in the eyes of God and He is extremely angry and seriously tired of it. 

These ministers continue to go on and live life as though God would never allow tragedy to haunt them.   However, God has no respect of persons, as He told us so in the book of Romans 2:11.   God has given Bishop Eddie Long forewarning after warning and do not be shocked of what may occur, because at New Birth you can only feel the anointing very few times when it looks like Long cannot escape his prior devilment and his victims began to speak out.    Bishop Eddie Long's past demonic spirits of lust through alleged homosexual affairs has haunted him so much, it is a terrible shame he refuses to take heed to the voice of God saying, "yield and repent unto me."   

Now that many of Bishop Eddie Long's followers has return to his church, he acts as though he can hide his dirt behind them, but God is saying those souls too will be responsible for ignoring His voice and worshiping Eddie and Vanessa Long and not worshiping Him and that evil spirit is called idolatry. The Bible says, Children, keep yourselves from idols, (I John 5:21), and there are many other scriptures against idolatry found here.  God is against idolatry and for too long, Bishop Eddie Long has been like the pope, standing in the pulpit as though he is expecting to be worshiped.  Note: As you know Pope John Paul II was allegedly seen by the female teen, Angelica Zambrano who saw him burning in hell on her tour with Jesus Christ, you can hear that testimony at AToast2Wealth.com Very soon, Bishop Eddie Long will not be able to feel as though he can hide behind his church members, because too many of them are lost along with him.   For too long have the members of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church eaten spoiled spiritual food that has not taught them utmost holiness and righteousness.    For too long, have they refuse to obey God and idolized and worshiped Bishop Eddie Long, a man who was accused of having multiple sexual affairs with men.   Sanctified Church Revolution readers, God is not pleased and the followers of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church will be added onto the millions of souls who have already been tossed into hell for ignoring God's voice and idolizing men and women in the pulpit.   God says enough is enough and if Bishop Eddie Long and his congregation are not scared through the death of Zachery Tims, there will we a much worse awakening for each and every last soul in that cult.   For it is a church of idolatry.

Bishop Eddie Long has even went to far to continue to invite hip hop gospel artists who expect to be idolized and the youth who are so eager to see them are just as lost as the elders in the church.  The youth at New Birth do not even know how to truly praise and worship God, but they are so caught up on idolizing hip hop gospel artists who come and entertain them.   Bishop Eddie Long and his followers refuse to have real church in the presence of God and turn on the lights while they are supposedly praising and worshiping Him.   Bishop Eddie Long is in rebellion and while his alleged victims are speaking out about their past discreet affairs with this man, he is paying a hefty price for what he caused among the body of Christ, a huge distraction.    Eddie Long is so shocked that Centino Kemp who allegedly claims to be raped is coming out with a book and the other two victims: Jamal Paris and Spencer Legrande, but he caused this and thought it would be okay, because his name is big.   One important fact Bishop Eddie Long must realize is no one's name is bigger than God's name and He must bow down and humbly repent before His throne before it is everlasting too late, thus saith the Lord God.

photo courtesy: praisephilly.com


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