Report from Christan Post:
AT2W has been doing some investigating of our own. We wanted to know more about the hotel he was staying in and information regarding surveillance photos and footage in the hotel and his cell phone records. Investigators stated after they found a baggy of an alleged narcotic in Zachery Tims' pocket, they would be looking into these records to find out more of what happened days up to his death.
Read the full investigation here.
The toxicology results that are to determine whether Florida minister Zachery Tims had drugs in his system at the moment of his death were not obtainable Friday, despite previous reports that the results would be available this week.
CP has been following up daily with the examiner's office and was told Friday, Sept. 30, that the toxicology results for Tims were not yet ready.
AT2W has been doing some investigating of our own. We wanted to know more about the hotel he was staying in and information regarding surveillance photos and footage in the hotel and his cell phone records. Investigators stated after they found a baggy of an alleged narcotic in Zachery Tims' pocket, they would be looking into these records to find out more of what happened days up to his death.
Read the full investigation here.
Former New Birth Employee and Member Sues Bishop Long's Church for Sexual Harassment

It appears that Bishop Eddie Long is doing some cleaning up from the past and some serious paying up as well. This week Bishop Eddie Long was in court which settled on $2 million dollars he would pay on a defaulted gym loan.
Also, this week, the bishop was scheduled to give a deposition at a Midtown Law firm in Atlanta in the sexual harassment case of a former New Birth employee and another employee. This case was in the news last year.
Former New Birth employee and church member of 12 years, Tama Colson filed a lawsuit in a courthouse in Atlanta claiming that a male supervisor named Michael Ceaser showed her pictures of a 'male sex organ' on a cellphone. Colson states that when she complained she was harassed, demoted and eventually terminated from her job and the church.
Read the full report here.
Bishop Eddie Long to Pay Out $2 Million on Defaulted Property Loan

Read new report from AJC News:
Bishop Eddie Long has reached a settlement in a lawsuit that claims he and partners in a real estate venture defaulted on a $2 million bank loan.
Long and two partners in West Indies Holding Co. LLC, a venture took out a $2 million loan from a Macon bank for a Jonesboro commercial property that includes Omni Hoops & Fitness gymnasium. The bank later failed.
Read full report at our sister site AT2W
Troy Davis Funeral Set on Saturday, October 1st in Savannah, Georgia
We kind of needed a breather from this extraordinary news but needed to post Troy Davis' funeral information and details for our readers. Read below about who will be in attendance, etc.
National leaders and activists will assemble in Savannah, Ga., on Saturday at Jonesville Baptist Church according to his younger sister, Kimberly Davis, to bury Troy Davis. NAACP president Benjamin Jealous is expected to speak at the funeral. The funeral is open to the public.
[Source]Read full report at AT2W
NAACP president Benjamin Jealous and Amnesty International USA executive director Larry Cox will speak and Rev. Raphael Warnock, spiritual advisor to the Davis family and head of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, the church of Martin Luther King Jr., will deliver the eulogy.
death penalty is wrong,
troy davis
Gospel's Dorinda Clark Cole Speaks on Suicide Attempt

Well, this is what Gospel singer Dorinda Clark Cole has experienced. In a recent interview with Black America Web's Nikki Wood, Dorinda reveals all of the pain and struggles she endured and explains how a suicide attempt nearly had her driving high speed into a river-literally. Just when she almost gave up and couldn't hear God but heard Satan instead, God spoke loud and clear.
Take a listen to Dorinda Clark Cole's intimate interview with Nikki Wood here.
Pat Robertson Backtracks His Statements about Alzheimer's and Divorce

“Basically I’m saying, adultery is not a good thing and you might as well straighten your life out and the only way to do it is to kind of get your affair with your wife in order.”"Get your affair with your wife in order?" He still refuses to address the affair as being totally wrong.
Read entire story here.
Pastor Tracy Burleson's Son Who Hired Him to Kill Wife While They Both Had Affair with Same Woman Testifies in Court

Pastor Tracy Burleson's Son Who Hired Him to Kill Wife While They Both Had Affair with Same Woman Testifies in Court
We still don't see how anyone decent human beings would flock to his church of horrors.
Prosecutors say Tracy Burleson hired his son, William Fuller, to pull the trigger and in the middle of all of this, jurors will hear about a woman who was dating both father and son.
Fuller did not stutter as he described life with his father, Pastor Tracy Burleson, and his 56-year-old stepmother, Pauletta Burleson.
Read the full report at AT2W
Zachery Tims' Members Want Ex-Wife Riva Tims to Return to New Destiny Church
Zachery Tims' former wife, Riva Tims, has been receiving many calls to return to the Florida megachurch they founded together 15 years ago to fill the gap left by Tims, who passed away last month.
Riva Tims has addressed questions from members of New Destiny Christian Center(NDCC) on her Facebook page who wanted to know if their former first lady would be returning to fill the position her ex-husband left behind.
"In response to so many of your inquiries... I have gotten an overwhelming response from my New Destiny Family to come home and/or at least minister to them," Riva Tims wrote.
"However, I have not been contacted by NDCC staff to return or to assist in the transition. I will continue to pray and cover NDCC, that the vision Zack and I birthed will continue! Thanks for all of your love and prayers."
Read entire story here.
Riva Tims has addressed questions from members of New Destiny Christian Center(NDCC) on her Facebook page who wanted to know if their former first lady would be returning to fill the position her ex-husband left behind.
"In response to so many of your inquiries... I have gotten an overwhelming response from my New Destiny Family to come home and/or at least minister to them," Riva Tims wrote.
"However, I have not been contacted by NDCC staff to return or to assist in the transition. I will continue to pray and cover NDCC, that the vision Zack and I birthed will continue! Thanks for all of your love and prayers."
Read entire story here.
Pastor William Boss Returns to Church After Man Shot HIm and Assistant Pastor
Thank God for Pastor Boss' recovery. Angels were surely in the church that day of the shooting.
The Rev. William Boss gripped a microphone Sunday and began to speak, his voice a gentle rasp.
"This, too, will pass," he said. His church erupted with cheers.
A miracle, he said, that was the only explanation for why he was still alive and able to stand before the congregation.
"Ain't no doubt heaven opened up," he said. "It was some angels that were faster than a bullet."
Just last Sunday, horrified members of Greater Faith Christian Center Church in Lakeland witnessed a gunman shoot Boss and another pastor, and they wondered whether Boss would live, much less be able to return so soon.
Read entire report here.
Who's Behind This Country Embracing Satan's Homosexuality Agenda ?

If you are wondering why, then we have found some information for you that may be evident but will nonetheless shock you. You may not know to the degree what plan the enemy, Satan has in store for us. Actually, do you know whose behind it and what evil and underhanded schemes are taking place everyday right under our noses? Take a look.
1) Have you wondered why our President embraces homosexuals and have passed so many laws in favor of their forbidden lifestyles? Did you know that Obama's health care bill 'Obamacare' allegedly ties into a prehistoric movement of homosexuality and allegedly connected with Nazi remnants? Also, what would you say if this alleged information was tied into a New World Order to turn this country into a homosexual nation? Well, keep reading.
Read the entire article at AT2W
Gospel Singer Jessy Dixon Has Died At 73
Jessy Dixon, a singer and songwriter who introduced his energetic style of gospel music to wider audiences by serving as pop singer Paul Simon's opening act, died Monday. He was 73.
Miriam Dixon said her brother died Monday morning at his Chicago home. She said he had been sick but declined to provide additional details.
During a more than 50-year career, Dixon wrote songs for several popular singers, including jazz and rhythm and blues singer Randy Crawford. He later wrote songs performed by Cher, Diana Ross, Natalie Cole and Amy Grant.
But it was for his gospel singing – religious music that combined the rhythmic beat of blues, jazz and soul – that Dixon first gained attention. It was during an appearance at the Newport Jazz Festival in 1972 with his Jessy Dixon Singers that Dixon first came to Simon's attention. For the next eight years, Dixon toured with the pop icon, collaborating on Simon's `Live Rhymin' Simon' and `Still Crazy' albums.
Read full report here
Apostle Fred Price Says "Jesus Committed Suicide" That Day on Calvary

We wanted to thank one of our faithful readers, Pastor Black for giving us a heads up about a sermon of televangelist Dr. Fred Price of the Faith Dome in Los Angeles, CA. These are the type of stories in which we all need to pay careful attention.
The bible spoke about false doctrines and those who will follow this nonsense. As reported, near the end of August, Dr. Price spoke one Sunday on how Jesus Christ died on the cross.
Now, by the title, you already know exactly what he stated about Jesus' death on Calvary. But why would he state such an absolutely absurd and frankly insane statement?
We know only a false prophet could stir up some hell with something like this. To be honest with you, just hearing his statement brought chills up and down our backs and we were really afraid for his soul.
Read the entire article here
Zachery Tims' Toxicology Results May Be Updated Days From Now

Zachery Tims' Toxicology Results May Be Updated Days from Now
Read below:
A representative from New York’s Chief Medical Examiner’s office revealed to they are “very close” to the results of Tims’ toxicology tests. The Director of Public Affairs at the New York Chief Medical Examiner’s office said more information would be available by Tuesday or Wednesday. (September 27-28, 2011). Drugs were suspected after a white powdery substance, believed to be narcotics were found in his pocket.Read the conclusion at AT2W
Pastor Rob Bell Leaving Mars Hill Church He Founded

Pastor Rob Bell Leaving Mars Hill Church He Founded
Well, not sure what good he will do any where else but he needs to evaluate his values and read the bible from the text that is written-not his own new found ways of thinking that will lead people to hell for sure whether he believes it or not.
Rob Bell has decided to leave Mars Hill Church, the Grandville megachurch he and his wife founded 12 years ago, to focus on a broader audience, the church announced today.
Flickering Pixels author Shane Hipps will take over for Bell during spring 2012 after Bell finishes his series on Acts in December.
The church released the following statement on its site:
The infamous quote "change is the only constant" certainly holds true at Mars Hill. We have experienced ongoing changes that have improved and transformed—as well as at times unintentionally created tension or heartache within our community. And now, we have another significant change to hold together.
Feeling the call from God to pursue a growing number of strategic opportunities, our founding pastor Rob Bell, has decided to leave Mars Hill in order to devote his full energy to sharing the message of God's love with a broader audience.
Read entire letter at AT2W
Forth Worth HS Student Suspended for Saying Being "Gay is Wrong"

Texas Student Suspended for Stating "I'm a Christian and Being Gay is Wrong"
There are plenty of things a teen can get suspended for but free speech and opinion should not be one of them.
Read Report below:
An honors student in Fort Worth, Texas, was sent to the principal’s office and punished for telling a classmate that he believes homosexuality is wrong.[Source]
Holly Pope said she was “absolutely stunned” when she received a telephone call from an assistant principal at Western Hills High School informing her that her son, Dakota Ary, had been sent to in-school suspension.
“Dakota is a very well-grounded 14-year-old,” she told Fox News Radio noting that her son is an honors student, plays on the football team and is active in his church youth group. “He’s been in church his whole life and he’s been taught to stand up for what he believes.”
And that’s what got him in trouble.
Dakota was in a German class at the high school when the conversation shifted to religion and homosexuality in Germany. At some point during the conversation, he turned to a friend and said that he was a Christian and “being a homosexual is wrong.
“It wasn’t directed to anyone except my friend who was sitting behind me,” Dakota told Fox. “I guess [the teacher] heard me. He started yelling. He told me he was going to write me an infraction and send me to the office.”
Dakota was sentenced to one day in-school suspension – and two days of full suspension. His mother was flabbergasted, noting that her son had a spotless record, was an honor student, volunteered at his church and played on the school football team.
President Obama Will Be Serenaded By Gay Men's Chorus At Fundraiser

Gay Men's Chorus of Los Angeles Will Perform For Obama At Fundraiser
When President Obama comes to Los Angeles on Monday for two fundraisers, the faithful gathering at the House of Blues will have to content themselves with musical selections by rapper and singer-songwriter B.o.B., Adam 12 and the Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles, notes The Hollywood Reporter— something for everyone perhaps, but not exactly top-of-the-marquee material.[Source]
The House of Blues line up is further indication that while Hollywood’s upper strata — measured by income and star wattage — may ultimately rally behind the president, there is little enthusiasm for the man now.
Former Pastor Ted Haggard and Wife to Appear on "Celebrity Wife Swap"

Former Pastor Ted Haggard and Wife to Appear on "Celebrity Wife Swap"
We just don't understand why this man just won't hang it up. He's so disgraced that he's become reprobate and doesn't care one way or the other what he does or how it looks to others. Ted Haggard is a perfect example of a fallen pastor trying to live off the controversy of his own life. We pray he stops playing with God and truly get right before Him.
Read report below:
[source]The former New Life Church pastor will swap partners with actor Gary Busey. Busey, 67, is not married, but his partner is Steffanie Sampson.The producers of the "Wife Swap" show confirmed the move to People magazine on Wednesday.Haggard, 55, made news in 2006 when he was accused of having sex and taking illegal drugs with a masseur in Denver. He resigned his position at New Life and underwent counseling in Arizona but left before it was completed.The premise of the reality show is that the female partners of very opposite men live in each others house for a week. The first part of the week, the "wife" has to follow the set rules of the new house. The last part of the week, the "wife" is able to set new rules and the husband's children must comply.The Gazette said the reality show will shoot the Colorado angle at the GLBT Pride Center in Colorado Springs.
COGIC Scandals: Bishop Charles Brown Charged with Sexual Assault From Two Decades Ago
The indiscretions of many COGIC pastors and bishops continue to be exposed to the world. God will continue to expose these wolves in sheep's clothing until they are all put to shame.
Read the report and see our concluding thoughts at the bottom:
The spiritual head of a local Pentecostal denomination has been arrested and booked with sexual battery on a teenage girl more than 23 years ago. New Orleans court records show that Bishop Charles E. Brown, 58, was released on $25,000 bond.
Brown, who since Hurricane Katrina has divided his time between New Orleans and Houston, is the jurisdictional bishop for Greater New Orleans in the Church of God in Christ, a Pentecostal denomination with headquarters in Memphis. He is also pastor of a local congregation, Full Gospel Church of God in Christ.
Brown was arrested June 28, according to police records.
Several attempts to contact Brown at his home in Houston were unsuccessful. Court records did not list a lawyer. And denominational officials in Los Angeles and Lafayette who would know about the arrest either were unavailable or did not respond to an inquiry. (No surprise)
A police affidavit supporting the arrest warrant said an unidentified 39-year-old woman called the department's child abuse unit in March to report that Brown molested her between the ages of 14 and 16.
Read entire report here.
Christians Support Death Row Inmate Duane Buck and To End Capital Punishment

Christians Support Death Row Inmate Duane Buck and To End Capital Punishment
Its good to see Christians stand behind what the bible says and against the death penalty.As the U.S. Supreme Court considers the case of Duane Buck, who was set to be executed in Texas on Thursday, some Christian leaders are using Buck's example to launch a discussion on Christians and capital punishment.
The high court intervened last week to further investigate claims that racism may have led to Buck's sentencing, delaying the death or perhaps saving the life of this convicted double-murderer. The Supreme Court said it would review Buck's case on appeal, but has yet to announce its decision.
When Buck heard the news Thursday, he said, "Praise the Lord Jesus. God is worthy to be praised. God's mercy triumphs over judgment. I feel good."
Click here to continue reading.Evangelical author and activist Shane Claiborne, disturbed by growing numbers of executions in Texas, wrote about Buck's case.
Paula White; 'I Am Not Interim Pastor of Zachery Tims' New Destiny Church'
Paula White; 'I Am Not Interim Pastor of Zachery Tims' New Destiny Church'
Despite recent reports that Paula White has been serving as the interim pastor of Zachery Tims' New Destiny Christian Center (NDCC), a representative at the Florida church denied on Tuesday that the Without Walls International Church pastor was serving in such a capacity.
Despite recent reports that Paula White has been serving as the interim pastor of Zachery Tims' New Destiny Christian Center (NDCC), a representative at the Florida church denied on Tuesday that the Without Walls International Church pastor was serving in such a capacity.
NDCC Minister Samuel Anderson told the Orlando Sentinel over the weekend that White was serving as interim pastor and providing the NDCC congregation advice and spiritual guidance.
In an effort to confirm the news, The Christian Post contacted NDCC Tuesday afternoon and an unidentified representative at the church denied the report that Pastor White was the interim pastor of the Apopka megachurch.
Reporters were unable to reach Anderson for a comment.source
Troy Davis' Message: "I Am Spiritually Free"

Troy Davis' Message: "I Am Spiritually Free
Below, Troy Davis has penned a letter for the world to read on the day of his execution.Message from Troy Davis:
I want to thank all of you for your efforts and dedication to Human Rights and Human Kindness, in the past year I have experienced such emotion, joy, sadness and never ending faith. It is because of all of you that I am alive today, as I look at my sister Martina I am marveled by the love she has for me and of course I worry about her and her health, but as she tells me she is the eldest and she will not back down from this fight to save my life and prove to the world that I am innocent of this terrible crime.
As I look at my mail from across the globe, from places I have never ever dreamed I would know about and people speaking languages and expressing cultures and religions I could only hope to one day see first hand. I am humbled by the emotion that fills my heart with overwhelming, overflowing Joy. I can’t even explain the insurgence of emotion I feel when I try to express the strength I draw from you all, it compounds my faith and it shows me yet again that this is not a case about the death penalty, this is not a case about Troy Davis, this is a case about Justice and the Human Spirit to see Justice prevail.
I cannot answer all of your letters but I do read them all, I cannot see you all but I can imagine your faces, I cannot hear you speak but your letters take me to the far reaches of the world, I cannot touch you physically but I feel your warmth everyday I exist.
So Thank you and remember I am in a place where execution can only destroy your physical form but because of my faith in God, my family and all of you I have been spiritually free for some time and no matter what happens in the days, weeks to come, this Movement to end the death penalty, to seek true justice, to expose a system that fails to protect the innocent must be accelerated. There are so many more Troy Davis’. This fight to end the death penalty is not won or lost through me but through our strength to move forward and save every innocent person in captivity around the globe. We need to dismantle this Unjust system city by city, state by state and country by country.
I can’t wait to Stand with you, no matter if that is in physical or spiritual form, I will one day be announcing,
Never Stop Fighting for Justice and We will Win!
Former Gay Employee Sues Rev. Jesse Jackson for Sexual Harassment
A former associate and staff member of the Rainbow Coalition accuses Jesse Jackson of sexual discrimination for actions he committed while he was working for Jackson. Tommy Bennett is filing a lawsuit claiming that he was instructed to bring women to Jackson’s room and was even mocked and harassed by Jackson himself.
He goes on to claim that some even refused to work under him and asked for God to rid them of “homosexual spirits” in the office while Bennett was present. More embarrassingly, Bennett claims he was instructed to clean up in Jackson’s hotel rooms after he’d have sex with random women. Finally, Bennett even claims that Jackson tried to make him apply ointment on his lower thigh. When he refused, Jackson allegedly called him a “little ...”.
In damning evidence that is sure to get the most headlines, Jackson allegedly wore only briefs and made sexual advances at Bennett while describing a time he got oral sex from a teacher. Here’s the official statement from Jackson and co.:
Read the entire article at AT2W
He goes on to claim that some even refused to work under him and asked for God to rid them of “homosexual spirits” in the office while Bennett was present. More embarrassingly, Bennett claims he was instructed to clean up in Jackson’s hotel rooms after he’d have sex with random women. Finally, Bennett even claims that Jackson tried to make him apply ointment on his lower thigh. When he refused, Jackson allegedly called him a “little ...”.
In damning evidence that is sure to get the most headlines, Jackson allegedly wore only briefs and made sexual advances at Bennett while describing a time he got oral sex from a teacher. Here’s the official statement from Jackson and co.:
Read the entire article at AT2W
The Justice System Can Execute Man's Body But Can It Execute His Soul?
We wanted to speak on the execution of Troy Davis and all death row inmates who are awaiting execution.
We have mentioned in previous posts that we do not believe in the death penalty. We do not care if it is Charles Manson; man should not KILL another man for alleged crimes he may have committed. Furthermore, if the man is truly an innocent man, then what shall become of our justice system when he is executed in vain?
It is never right to kill anyone. The bible states in the ten commandments that "You shall not Kill". We are not sure where our government came up with the idea to kill man because he has killed. Where is the mercy? What example do we teach our children and the world by killing those who have violated the law? Isn't life in prison enough punishment?
The man or woman who commits or accused of committing heinous crimes does not give any of us the right to take his or her life. That is only reserved for our God. He is God who gave us life and only He alone has the right to determine how we die. He is God, not us. What right do we have to play God? The justice system is criminal in every way by allowing its system of death to go on all over the country.
Read entire article here.
We have mentioned in previous posts that we do not believe in the death penalty. We do not care if it is Charles Manson; man should not KILL another man for alleged crimes he may have committed. Furthermore, if the man is truly an innocent man, then what shall become of our justice system when he is executed in vain?
It is never right to kill anyone. The bible states in the ten commandments that "You shall not Kill". We are not sure where our government came up with the idea to kill man because he has killed. Where is the mercy? What example do we teach our children and the world by killing those who have violated the law? Isn't life in prison enough punishment?
The man or woman who commits or accused of committing heinous crimes does not give any of us the right to take his or her life. That is only reserved for our God. He is God who gave us life and only He alone has the right to determine how we die. He is God, not us. What right do we have to play God? The justice system is criminal in every way by allowing its system of death to go on all over the country.
Read entire article here.
Faith or Fluff? The Separate Teachings of Father John Osteen vs Pastor Joel Osteen
We found videos of Lakewood Church Pastor John Osteen, the father of Pastor Joel Osteen. We were able to see a distinct difference in their preaching styles. The father, late John Osteen preached in a traditional style and focused on truth and righteousness. On his video below, "How to Find and Do the Will of God for Your Life", he specifies people finding their gift and using it for God's purposes. He even spoke on how people can make millions of dollars and stay out of the will of God which would make them miserable.
His son Joel Osteen reluctantly took over as pastor because he did not want to preach or have the style of preaching like his father. We remember seeing a show when Joel Osteen said those exact words and that he was going to grow Lakewood Church into much bigger ministry and reach many more people.
Well he surely did when he bought a stadium in Houston and now reaches millions of people but what kind of ministry is he teaching?
Read entire article at AT2W
"There's something worth more than money and that's living in the will of God," he said.You can see how his traditional straight forward style attracted many believers in his church and around the world. John Osteen hosted a weekly television show "John Osteen" for 16 years until his death in 1999.
His son Joel Osteen reluctantly took over as pastor because he did not want to preach or have the style of preaching like his father. We remember seeing a show when Joel Osteen said those exact words and that he was going to grow Lakewood Church into much bigger ministry and reach many more people.
Well he surely did when he bought a stadium in Houston and now reaches millions of people but what kind of ministry is he teaching?
Read entire article at AT2W
District Attorney Drops Charge Against Ex- New Birth Employee Per Bishop Long's Letter of Request
A former New Birth Missionary Church security guard Anthony Boyd has been exonerated of all charges after being accused of burglarizing Bishop Eddie Long's office.
Boyd had maintained he was innocent. Boyd says he had nothing to do with stealing jewelry, an iPad and iPod from the Bishop's church office back in June of last year.
After much consideration, DeKalb County D.A. Robert James dropped the charge on Monday.
D.A. stated Bishop Eddie Long's August 26th letter -- along with Boyd's status as a defendant -- had a lot to do with his decision.
Boyd had maintained he was innocent. Boyd says he had nothing to do with stealing jewelry, an iPad and iPod from the Bishop's church office back in June of last year.
After much consideration, DeKalb County D.A. Robert James dropped the charge on Monday.
D.A. stated Bishop Eddie Long's August 26th letter -- along with Boyd's status as a defendant -- had a lot to do with his decision.
"If he had not asked me, I would not have made the decision. In cases like this, we respect the victim's wishes," James said. "We look at the age of the defendant, a young man. We look at the fact that the defendant had... no criminal history at all. We looked at the fact that we are talking about a property crime, not a violent crime."Read entire report at AT2W
Zachery Tims' Toxicology Report To Be Released End of Week
It's been one month since Pastor Zachery Tims was found dead in a New York hotel on August 12th and his church has ended its 4 weeks of mourning and vow to move forward. But there are still questions to be answered in the death of Zachery Tims.
In previous reports stated the mega church minister was found unresponsive and pronounced dead inside his room at the W Hotel in New York's Times Square that Friday night.
Following the initial news, New York City police believe the "white substance" found on Tims was drugs. Officials with the medical examiner's office said only toxicology reports will determine how he died and if there were any chemicals in his body.
The Orlando Sentinel reported on Monday:
In previous reports stated the mega church minister was found unresponsive and pronounced dead inside his room at the W Hotel in New York's Times Square that Friday night.
Following the initial news, New York City police believe the "white substance" found on Tims was drugs. Officials with the medical examiner's office said only toxicology reports will determine how he died and if there were any chemicals in his body.
The Orlando Sentinel reported on Monday:
Tims died in a New York hotel where rooms start at $300 a night. The New York City Medical Examiner's office said the toxicology report, which will determine the cause of his death, should be released by the end of the week.Report from AT2W
Paula White Serving As Interim Pastor At New Destiny Church in Place of Zachery Tims
Paula White Serving As Interim Pastor At New Destiny Church in Place of Zachery Tims
It appears the late Pastor Zachery Tims' church New Destiny is moving forward and in search of a new pastor. We are not sure who they may choose and when but these steps should help the church heal from the untimely and tragic death of Tims.
Read report below:
New Destiny Christian Center ended its month of mourning Sunday, following the unexpected death of Pastor Zachery Tims Jr., on Aug. 12.
"It's time to go forward for us at the ministry," said Minister Samuel Anderson.
Anderson said Paula White, senior pastor of Without Walls International Church in Tampa, is serving as interim pastor, offering the church advice and spiritual guidance. The search for Tims' successor will begin Monday, Anderson said, but there is no time frame for how long that might take.
"We're not trying to rush into it," he said.
Anderson said the church had a succession plan, but it had not been updated before Tims' unexpected death.
Read entire report at AT2W
It appears the late Pastor Zachery Tims' church New Destiny is moving forward and in search of a new pastor. We are not sure who they may choose and when but these steps should help the church heal from the untimely and tragic death of Tims.
Read report below:
New Destiny Christian Center ended its month of mourning Sunday, following the unexpected death of Pastor Zachery Tims Jr., on Aug. 12.
"It's time to go forward for us at the ministry," said Minister Samuel Anderson.
Anderson said Paula White, senior pastor of Without Walls International Church in Tampa, is serving as interim pastor, offering the church advice and spiritual guidance. The search for Tims' successor will begin Monday, Anderson said, but there is no time frame for how long that might take.
"We're not trying to rush into it," he said.
Anderson said the church had a succession plan, but it had not been updated before Tims' unexpected death.
Read entire report at AT2W
Did Bishop Eddie Long Learn Anything From Zachery Tims Death?
We ask you this very serious question, because every since the death of Zachery Tims, we see nothing has changed in the church services at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church. Did Bishop Eddie Long learn anything from Zachery Tims death? No, God did not cause Zachery Tims to die, but he allowed his death to get the attention of these crooked ministers, just like many others who were killed in various tragedies many years ago. For example, if you were raised in the black church, then you can recall the horrific shock, regarding the death of the late Rev. Paul Jones, a baptist pastor, gospel artist and a friend of Yolanda Adams who was allegedly killed by his young gay lover back in 1990. He died at the young age of only 30 years old. Clothing, jewelry and a 1988 Jaguar belonging to Jones were stolen. Jones was shot in the head, buttocks and elsewhere. He was found dead in his two-story luxury home in a suburban area of Harris County, Texas. People in the church talked about getting serious with God back then just how they are doing so now, over 20 years later. However, as life goes on, they act as though it was just a tragic incident and then, these ministers and their followers continue doing evil things in the eyes of God and He is extremely angry and seriously tired of it.
These ministers continue to go on and live life as though God would never allow tragedy to haunt them. However, God has no respect of persons, as He told us so in the book of Romans 2:11. God has given Bishop Eddie Long forewarning after warning and do not be shocked of what may occur, because at New Birth you can only feel the anointing very few times when it looks like Long cannot escape his prior devilment and his victims began to speak out. Bishop Eddie Long's past demonic spirits of lust through alleged homosexual affairs has haunted him so much, it is a terrible shame he refuses to take heed to the voice of God saying, "yield and repent unto me."
Now that many of Bishop Eddie Long's followers has return to his church, he acts as though he can hide his dirt behind them, but God is saying those souls too will be responsible for ignoring His voice and worshiping Eddie and Vanessa Long and not worshiping Him and that evil spirit is called idolatry. The Bible says, Children, keep yourselves from idols, (I John 5:21), and there are many other scriptures against idolatry found here. God is against idolatry and for too long, Bishop Eddie Long has been like the pope, standing in the pulpit as though he is expecting to be worshiped. Note: As you know Pope John Paul II was allegedly seen by the female teen, Angelica Zambrano who saw him burning in hell on her tour with Jesus Christ, you can hear that testimony at Very soon, Bishop Eddie Long will not be able to feel as though he can hide behind his church members, because too many of them are lost along with him. For too long have the members of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church eaten spoiled spiritual food that has not taught them utmost holiness and righteousness. For too long, have they refuse to obey God and idolized and worshiped Bishop Eddie Long, a man who was accused of having multiple sexual affairs with men. Sanctified Church Revolution readers, God is not pleased and the followers of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church will be added onto the millions of souls who have already been tossed into hell for ignoring God's voice and idolizing men and women in the pulpit. God says enough is enough and if Bishop Eddie Long and his congregation are not scared through the death of Zachery Tims, there will we a much worse awakening for each and every last soul in that cult. For it is a church of idolatry.
Bishop Eddie Long has even went to far to continue to invite hip hop gospel artists who expect to be idolized and the youth who are so eager to see them are just as lost as the elders in the church. The youth at New Birth do not even know how to truly praise and worship God, but they are so caught up on idolizing hip hop gospel artists who come and entertain them. Bishop Eddie Long and his followers refuse to have real church in the presence of God and turn on the lights while they are supposedly praising and worshiping Him. Bishop Eddie Long is in rebellion and while his alleged victims are speaking out about their past discreet affairs with this man, he is paying a hefty price for what he caused among the body of Christ, a huge distraction. Eddie Long is so shocked that Centino Kemp who allegedly claims to be raped is coming out with a book and the other two victims: Jamal Paris and Spencer Legrande, but he caused this and thought it would be okay, because his name is big. One important fact Bishop Eddie Long must realize is no one's name is bigger than God's name and He must bow down and humbly repent before His throne before it is everlasting too late, thus saith the Lord God.
photo courtesy:
These ministers continue to go on and live life as though God would never allow tragedy to haunt them. However, God has no respect of persons, as He told us so in the book of Romans 2:11. God has given Bishop Eddie Long forewarning after warning and do not be shocked of what may occur, because at New Birth you can only feel the anointing very few times when it looks like Long cannot escape his prior devilment and his victims began to speak out. Bishop Eddie Long's past demonic spirits of lust through alleged homosexual affairs has haunted him so much, it is a terrible shame he refuses to take heed to the voice of God saying, "yield and repent unto me."
Now that many of Bishop Eddie Long's followers has return to his church, he acts as though he can hide his dirt behind them, but God is saying those souls too will be responsible for ignoring His voice and worshiping Eddie and Vanessa Long and not worshiping Him and that evil spirit is called idolatry. The Bible says, Children, keep yourselves from idols, (I John 5:21), and there are many other scriptures against idolatry found here. God is against idolatry and for too long, Bishop Eddie Long has been like the pope, standing in the pulpit as though he is expecting to be worshiped. Note: As you know Pope John Paul II was allegedly seen by the female teen, Angelica Zambrano who saw him burning in hell on her tour with Jesus Christ, you can hear that testimony at Very soon, Bishop Eddie Long will not be able to feel as though he can hide behind his church members, because too many of them are lost along with him. For too long have the members of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church eaten spoiled spiritual food that has not taught them utmost holiness and righteousness. For too long, have they refuse to obey God and idolized and worshiped Bishop Eddie Long, a man who was accused of having multiple sexual affairs with men. Sanctified Church Revolution readers, God is not pleased and the followers of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church will be added onto the millions of souls who have already been tossed into hell for ignoring God's voice and idolizing men and women in the pulpit. God says enough is enough and if Bishop Eddie Long and his congregation are not scared through the death of Zachery Tims, there will we a much worse awakening for each and every last soul in that cult. For it is a church of idolatry.
Bishop Eddie Long has even went to far to continue to invite hip hop gospel artists who expect to be idolized and the youth who are so eager to see them are just as lost as the elders in the church. The youth at New Birth do not even know how to truly praise and worship God, but they are so caught up on idolizing hip hop gospel artists who come and entertain them. Bishop Eddie Long and his followers refuse to have real church in the presence of God and turn on the lights while they are supposedly praising and worshiping Him. Bishop Eddie Long is in rebellion and while his alleged victims are speaking out about their past discreet affairs with this man, he is paying a hefty price for what he caused among the body of Christ, a huge distraction. Eddie Long is so shocked that Centino Kemp who allegedly claims to be raped is coming out with a book and the other two victims: Jamal Paris and Spencer Legrande, but he caused this and thought it would be okay, because his name is big. One important fact Bishop Eddie Long must realize is no one's name is bigger than God's name and He must bow down and humbly repent before His throne before it is everlasting too late, thus saith the Lord God.
photo courtesy:
The Twisted Doctrine of Prophet Todd Hall
Usually, we do not pay attention to what this particular preacher has to say, because he does not seem to give us the impression that he is preaching to win souls, but just for recognition. So, this Sunday, we happened to hear him preach at Dr. Jamal Bryant's church, Empowerment Temple and he allegedly made an odd statement about David's dancing, which is revealed in 2 Samuel 6:14. The same excuse Mary Mary uses to be like the world, we were shocked he stated the same thing that has nothing to do with being holy. He and Mary Mary reveals the particular scripture about David dancing, but the fail to include the scripture that told each and every last one of use who is suppose to be children of God this very commandment: "Be ye holy, for I am holy (I Peter 1:16)."
Prophet Todd Hall is most popular, because he seems to have a traditional style of preaching and causes much laughing among the pews with his jokes. However, by these very twisted words reveals he is not preaching according to the tradition of the gospel of Jesus Christ: "you shout with your mouth, you don't shout feet. You dance with your feet as the Bible says, and David dance, you know choreographer..." First and foremost, we fear for the black church, because even after the death of the late Dr. Zachery Tims, they are yet trying to make it okay to be like the world. They are yet having church in a worldly fashion as though they are in a night club. It seems like many of these so-call preachers do not fear God enough to start being different and do things His way. This very scripture is for each and everyone who tries to make it okay to glorify God, the same way the world glories and praises Satan, "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world, he that loveth the world the love of the Father is not in him (or her)(I John 2:15)." Therefore, David never danced the way the world danced, but he glorified God and the reason why the church used to say "shout", whenever people used to "dance under the anointing" of God, is simply, because they desired to use a word that was not similar to the way the world says it. But in today's church, many so-call prophets and prophetess have God's Word so twisted. They have confused those who do not desire to "shout" under the power of God, because they only want to preach what is popular in order to keep their recognition and keep much tithes and offerings. So, if any so-call man or woman of God is too proud to say "shout", especially in the black church, it proves how messed up church leadership is and how much the anointing in praising God has left many churches. Prophet Todd Hall is teaching a twisted doctrine that tries to ignore holiness by explaining the dictionary's meaning. For example, shout means shouting with your mouth; however, that's not how people of holiness have church. They shout with their mouth and with their feet, dancing in the spirit means to "shout" with your feet in the a real sanctified church. Todd Hall acts like he is so foreign to knowing how to praise God for real and have real church.
You may think it is irrelevant to bring this issue before the people of God; however, you may not be a true child of God if this is you, simply because, we take testimonies of people who have been to hell, very seriously. We've heard the testimony of Angelica Zambrano who allegedly saw Michael Jackson, Selina and Pope John Hall burning in eternal hell, fire and brimstone. One of the things this teen informed us, is this: Michael Jackson's dance steps came from the demons in hell, just how he danced is how she saw them doing the same steps. Therefore, the purified holiness and righteous church should not be dancing like the world; therefore, even if it means expressing the dancing under the anointing of God by saying, "shout", then so be it, because God told us to be holy and to have nothing to do with the ways of the world. God wants so much distinction, so that He may be glorified and honored as our Most High God. The way we praise and worship God, should never be similar to the way Satan is glorified and praised by the world. Therefore, Hall's statement this morning that shout only means with your mouth dancing means like choreographer dancing with your feet is certainly obsolete in the Kingdom of God. When you shout (dance under the anointing of God), you do not need a choreographer. Your footsteps are guided by the Holy Spirit.
photo courtesy:
Prophet Todd Hall is most popular, because he seems to have a traditional style of preaching and causes much laughing among the pews with his jokes. However, by these very twisted words reveals he is not preaching according to the tradition of the gospel of Jesus Christ: "you shout with your mouth, you don't shout feet. You dance with your feet as the Bible says, and David dance, you know choreographer..." First and foremost, we fear for the black church, because even after the death of the late Dr. Zachery Tims, they are yet trying to make it okay to be like the world. They are yet having church in a worldly fashion as though they are in a night club. It seems like many of these so-call preachers do not fear God enough to start being different and do things His way. This very scripture is for each and everyone who tries to make it okay to glorify God, the same way the world glories and praises Satan, "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world, he that loveth the world the love of the Father is not in him (or her)(I John 2:15)." Therefore, David never danced the way the world danced, but he glorified God and the reason why the church used to say "shout", whenever people used to "dance under the anointing" of God, is simply, because they desired to use a word that was not similar to the way the world says it. But in today's church, many so-call prophets and prophetess have God's Word so twisted. They have confused those who do not desire to "shout" under the power of God, because they only want to preach what is popular in order to keep their recognition and keep much tithes and offerings. So, if any so-call man or woman of God is too proud to say "shout", especially in the black church, it proves how messed up church leadership is and how much the anointing in praising God has left many churches. Prophet Todd Hall is teaching a twisted doctrine that tries to ignore holiness by explaining the dictionary's meaning. For example, shout means shouting with your mouth; however, that's not how people of holiness have church. They shout with their mouth and with their feet, dancing in the spirit means to "shout" with your feet in the a real sanctified church. Todd Hall acts like he is so foreign to knowing how to praise God for real and have real church.
You may think it is irrelevant to bring this issue before the people of God; however, you may not be a true child of God if this is you, simply because, we take testimonies of people who have been to hell, very seriously. We've heard the testimony of Angelica Zambrano who allegedly saw Michael Jackson, Selina and Pope John Hall burning in eternal hell, fire and brimstone. One of the things this teen informed us, is this: Michael Jackson's dance steps came from the demons in hell, just how he danced is how she saw them doing the same steps. Therefore, the purified holiness and righteous church should not be dancing like the world; therefore, even if it means expressing the dancing under the anointing of God by saying, "shout", then so be it, because God told us to be holy and to have nothing to do with the ways of the world. God wants so much distinction, so that He may be glorified and honored as our Most High God. The way we praise and worship God, should never be similar to the way Satan is glorified and praised by the world. Therefore, Hall's statement this morning that shout only means with your mouth dancing means like choreographer dancing with your feet is certainly obsolete in the Kingdom of God. When you shout (dance under the anointing of God), you do not need a choreographer. Your footsteps are guided by the Holy Spirit.
photo courtesy:
Victims Sue The Pope for Sex Abuse by Catholic Priests
It appears The Pope will have to start taking accountability for his priests and bishops' actions regarding sexual abuse on children. Just like any other denomination, the Roman Catholics are not above God's wrath in cases of sexual misconduct and abuse of their leadership positions in the church.
Read report below:
The complaint names Pope Benedict XVI, partly in his former role as leader of the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which in 2001 explicitly gained responsibility for overseeing abuse cases.
Read entire report at AT2W
When The Love of Basketball Turns Teen Girls to Love Other Women
What has caused us to speak on this is not her apparent tom-boyish personality and because she played basketball but the videotape of her friends on the news at her school after her death. Many of them speaking in the camera were females with an obvious 'masculine swagger'.
It appeared her friends were all young, black teen lesbian girls. They even pointed out Tayshana 'Chicken' Murphy's girlfriend and her holding up a picture of them together.
It's been stated for years that the WNBA and basketball leagues for women have literally 'turned girls/women out' in the game. There are testimonies of women (click link) who have admitted they were not lesbian until they came to play the game as a serious sport and career. Its been reported girl's basketball is a game as some others, that demands the female to play as hard as any man.
How did basketball, for instance, turn some girls to homosexuality? Is it expected of them or is there some inside dealings and pressure to be like male basketball players?
Read entire article and see video at AT2W
It appeared her friends were all young, black teen lesbian girls. They even pointed out Tayshana 'Chicken' Murphy's girlfriend and her holding up a picture of them together.
It's been stated for years that the WNBA and basketball leagues for women have literally 'turned girls/women out' in the game. There are testimonies of women (click link) who have admitted they were not lesbian until they came to play the game as a serious sport and career. Its been reported girl's basketball is a game as some others, that demands the female to play as hard as any man.
How did basketball, for instance, turn some girls to homosexuality? Is it expected of them or is there some inside dealings and pressure to be like male basketball players?
Read entire article and see video at AT2W
Gospel Singer Vicki Winans' Apology is Classic Example For Forgiveness
It's really a wonderful thing when anyone can recognize what they do wrong in life. Whether it was their own issue or someone else: confessing to another person that you are truly sorry for any wrong you have caused, is honored by God.
This is what happened at Pastor Marvin L. Winans' 20 year reunion of his Perfecting Praise Choir in early 2010. On a video we just saw this weekend, we witnessed God move in Gospel artist and former wife of Pastor Marvin L. Winans', Vicki Winans. While viewing the video, we were tickled by the comical exchanges of jokes and laughter that she presented when she spoke on her memories of being a part of the praise choir 20 years ago. If you did not know just how humorous Vicki Winans really is, you have to check out some of her work. She's hilarious to say the least.
As she brought up memories of when they were married and how he said he was called to preach, she went on with her jokes until she finally laid them aside as if to try to get away from what she really wanted to say. Moments later, she surprises everyone with her tears and apologies. Vicki Winans actually cried in front of the church she used to be the First Lady of and apologies for her wrongdoing.
Read entire report at AT2W
This is what happened at Pastor Marvin L. Winans' 20 year reunion of his Perfecting Praise Choir in early 2010. On a video we just saw this weekend, we witnessed God move in Gospel artist and former wife of Pastor Marvin L. Winans', Vicki Winans. While viewing the video, we were tickled by the comical exchanges of jokes and laughter that she presented when she spoke on her memories of being a part of the praise choir 20 years ago. If you did not know just how humorous Vicki Winans really is, you have to check out some of her work. She's hilarious to say the least.
As she brought up memories of when they were married and how he said he was called to preach, she went on with her jokes until she finally laid them aside as if to try to get away from what she really wanted to say. Moments later, she surprises everyone with her tears and apologies. Vicki Winans actually cried in front of the church she used to be the First Lady of and apologies for her wrongdoing.
Read entire report at AT2W
Rev. C. Jay Matthews Charged In Federal Court for Mishandling $90,000 For Taxes
The Rev. C. Jay Matthews, 58, a minister for more than 25 years, has been senior pastor at Mt. Sinai Baptist Church on Cleveland's East Side since 1988. On Tuesday afternoon, he was charged in federal court with six counts of willful failure to collect or pay over taxes his church employees' wages.
The charges filed in U.S. District Court in Cleveland claim Matthews collected more than $90,600 in federal Social Security and Medicare taxes from his employees' wages, but failed to report and pay the money to the IRS.
"Rather, Matthews caused those funds to be used for other purposes, including transfers to the pastor's account for his own personal use," the charges stated.
Read full article at AT2W
The charges filed in U.S. District Court in Cleveland claim Matthews collected more than $90,600 in federal Social Security and Medicare taxes from his employees' wages, but failed to report and pay the money to the IRS.
"Rather, Matthews caused those funds to be used for other purposes, including transfers to the pastor's account for his own personal use," the charges stated.
Read full article at AT2W
Bishop Long's Accusers Are Not In Agreement with Centino Kemp's Upcoming "First Lady" Book
Well, the saga continues on but now with two accusers of Bishop Eddie Long, Jamal and Spencer against the fifth accuser, Centino Kemp. Here's why they are speaking out this time:
After hearing on The Ryan Report earlier today that a male reportedly involved in the Bishop Eddie Long case, Centino Kemp, had written a book titled “The First Lady,” two men who accused Long of sexual misconduct – a lawsuit that Long settled – called The Ryan Cameron Show to give their take on the unpublished work. The two talked about what they believe to be the motive behind Kemp’s book, their mental state, why they have security for themselves and their family now and what might happen if they ever met Kemp.
Its very apparent that the Spencer and Jamal are against Centino and don't want to have anything to do with him. They are outraged that ...
Read entire story here
After hearing on The Ryan Report earlier today that a male reportedly involved in the Bishop Eddie Long case, Centino Kemp, had written a book titled “The First Lady,” two men who accused Long of sexual misconduct – a lawsuit that Long settled – called The Ryan Cameron Show to give their take on the unpublished work. The two talked about what they believe to be the motive behind Kemp’s book, their mental state, why they have security for themselves and their family now and what might happen if they ever met Kemp.
Its very apparent that the Spencer and Jamal are against Centino and don't want to have anything to do with him. They are outraged that ...
Read entire story here
Gospel Great Rance Allen To Be C.O.G.I.C. Bishop
Well, it appears Dr. Rance Allen, singing great from gospel group, The Rance Allen Group will be filling some big shoes.
Let's hope with all of COGIG's scandal over the years, he can add something positive to their reputation.
Ohio’s New Bethel Church (COGIC), Dr. Rance Allen, has been nominated and approved by to the General Board of the Church of God in Christ (COGIC) to succeed the late Bishop Alfred D. Knight, Jr. as the Jurisdictional Prelate of the Michigan Northwestern Harvest Jurisdiction.
Read full report at AT2W
Let's hope with all of COGIG's scandal over the years, he can add something positive to their reputation.
Ohio’s New Bethel Church (COGIC), Dr. Rance Allen, has been nominated and approved by to the General Board of the Church of God in Christ (COGIC) to succeed the late Bishop Alfred D. Knight, Jr. as the Jurisdictional Prelate of the Michigan Northwestern Harvest Jurisdiction.
Read full report at AT2W
Pat Robertson: Who Says Its Ok to Divorce Your Spouse with Alzheimer's?
During a recent show on the 700 Club, Robertson was asked what advice a man should give to a friend who began seeing another woman after his wife started suffering from the incurable neurological disorder.
"I know it sounds cruel, but if he's going to do something, he should divorce her and start all over again, but make sure she has custodial care and somebody looking after her," Robertson said.
The chairman of the Christian Broadcasting Network, which airs the "700 Club," said he wouldn't "put a guilt trip" on anyone who divorces a spouse who suffers from the illness, but added, "Get some ethicist besides me to give you the answer."
"If you respect that vow, you say 'til death do us part,'" Robertson said during the Tuesday broadcast. "This is a kind of death."
Read full report here.
The Top Mega Church Minister- Is He Living Heaven On Earth Just In Case?
Outreach Magazine has reported to a list of the nation's top 100 largest Protestant churches and top fastest-growing churches.
They mentioned the leading largest church as Lakewood Church with Pastor Joel Osteen.
Many of these churches are equipped with marble floors, custom made fountains, fancy auditoriums, coffee bars in the lobby with the convenience of ATM machines, of course, to pay your tithes and offerings.
The mega church is the one that gets all of the attention when a huge funeral space is needed for a high profile death or community tragedy. They are also 'rent-a-space' locations for concerts, meetings, graduations, and etc.- all offered at a premium price.
Read entire article at our sister site AT2W
They mentioned the leading largest church as Lakewood Church with Pastor Joel Osteen.
Many of these churches are equipped with marble floors, custom made fountains, fancy auditoriums, coffee bars in the lobby with the convenience of ATM machines, of course, to pay your tithes and offerings.
The mega church is the one that gets all of the attention when a huge funeral space is needed for a high profile death or community tragedy. They are also 'rent-a-space' locations for concerts, meetings, graduations, and etc.- all offered at a premium price.
Read entire article at our sister site AT2W
biggest mega church,
joel osteen
New Destiny Church Gives Tribute Service for Zachery Tims on Sept.18th
The members of Zachery Tims' New Destiny Church have announced a special tribute service for the late minister and have invited the public to share testimonies of how Tims impacted believers' lives.
On Wednesday, New Destiny Christian Center (NDCC) requested tributes and testimonies on how Tims "motivated, inspired and changed" the lives of those who were exposed to his ministry.
NDCC's Twitter and Facebook pages issued announcements that reads in full:
On Sunday, September 18, 2011 at the 9:00am & 11:30am services, we are having a Moving Forward Tribute Service for Pastor Zach and his legacy. It would be a honor to have your participation for this event. Please email your tributes / testimonies to on how Pastor Zach motivated, inspired and changed your life through the word of GOD. All emails are due no later than Thursday, September 15, 2011, Titled :TRIBUTE TO PASTOR ZACHERY TIMS.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you there.
-NDCC Family
Many people have left they thoughts and how they were impacted on those pages.
Tims, 42, was laid to rest on Aug. 20 at Woodlawn Memorial Park & Funeral Home in Florida. The Florida minister was found dead in his room at the W Hotel in New York on Aug. 12.
The tribute service for Tims is scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 18 at 9:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. services. We are not sure if the services will be broadcast live on
Stay tuned for updates.
Read full report from the source
On Wednesday, New Destiny Christian Center (NDCC) requested tributes and testimonies on how Tims "motivated, inspired and changed" the lives of those who were exposed to his ministry.
NDCC's Twitter and Facebook pages issued announcements that reads in full:
On Sunday, September 18, 2011 at the 9:00am & 11:30am services, we are having a Moving Forward Tribute Service for Pastor Zach and his legacy. It would be a honor to have your participation for this event. Please email your tributes / testimonies to on how Pastor Zach motivated, inspired and changed your life through the word of GOD. All emails are due no later than Thursday, September 15, 2011, Titled :TRIBUTE TO PASTOR ZACHERY TIMS.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you there.
-NDCC Family
Many people have left they thoughts and how they were impacted on those pages.
Tims, 42, was laid to rest on Aug. 20 at Woodlawn Memorial Park & Funeral Home in Florida. The Florida minister was found dead in his room at the W Hotel in New York on Aug. 12.
The tribute service for Tims is scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 18 at 9:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. services. We are not sure if the services will be broadcast live on
Stay tuned for updates.
Read full report from the source
Bishop Long's Plans All-Men Get Away for October Conference in Florida
We recently found Bishop Long will be having a Men's Conference in Florida called: "Men's Advance: I Restore". It will be a fun day out at the Sandestin Beach & Golf Resort in Destin, Florida this October.
All of the men attending will hear conference speakers Bishop Long, Bishop Carl Smith of New Birth California, Pastor Stephen Davis of New Birth Birmingham and Deron Cloud, alleged pastor, playwright, personal life coach and relationship expert.
Deron Cloud founded The Chocolate Factory in Stone Mountain, Georgia on the unsavory strip of Memorial Drive. The Soul Factory is not only a theater for Deron Cloud Productions but is widely known as a Christian ministry- "Soul Factory Theater church" with a theater feel and the stage as the pulpit. Cloud's "unchurch" as he calls it, is geared towards new age (hip hop movement) that will not be conformed or restricted to church traditions that he says 'really aren't working'. Pretty much playing church.
Read entire article here.
All of the men attending will hear conference speakers Bishop Long, Bishop Carl Smith of New Birth California, Pastor Stephen Davis of New Birth Birmingham and Deron Cloud, alleged pastor, playwright, personal life coach and relationship expert.
Deron Cloud founded The Chocolate Factory in Stone Mountain, Georgia on the unsavory strip of Memorial Drive. The Soul Factory is not only a theater for Deron Cloud Productions but is widely known as a Christian ministry- "Soul Factory Theater church" with a theater feel and the stage as the pulpit. Cloud's "unchurch" as he calls it, is geared towards new age (hip hop movement) that will not be conformed or restricted to church traditions that he says 'really aren't working'. Pretty much playing church.
Read entire article here.
Why Do Christians Still Watch Messy Talk and Reality Shows?
We saw an article about the Basketball Wives L.A. reality show. We don't watch the show but the article stated there was some hair weave pulling incidents and just all around bad behavior.
We've been asking the same question for years: 'Why do people still watch these 'messy talk shows' and reality shows?" It seems like when shows like "Ricki Lake", "Maury", "Jerry Springer", including "Tyra" and the like aired, people could not get enough.
The shows brought on the uncouth from every ghetto and street corner. Black folks, in particular, were eager to sign up and 'show their behinds' on national television.
We saw shows revealing things like one young mother with 10 lovers and no baby daddy. There were other shows with men and women exposing their indiscretions with a same sex partner or pregnancy with their partner's sibling.
These shows still go on today. Do we know why? It's because the show has a wide audience of look-lues who are addicted to... mess! It's the same as when reality shows came out. Some of those would be "Basketball Wives", "Real Housewives of whatever", and way too many to mention. They may seemed more sophisticated because many celebrities appear on them, but just as messy and a waste of time. These shows in particular dominated prime time television and cable networks where every station was all about 'reality TV.'
Read full article at our sister site: AT2W
We've been asking the same question for years: 'Why do people still watch these 'messy talk shows' and reality shows?" It seems like when shows like "Ricki Lake", "Maury", "Jerry Springer", including "Tyra" and the like aired, people could not get enough.
The shows brought on the uncouth from every ghetto and street corner. Black folks, in particular, were eager to sign up and 'show their behinds' on national television.
We saw shows revealing things like one young mother with 10 lovers and no baby daddy. There were other shows with men and women exposing their indiscretions with a same sex partner or pregnancy with their partner's sibling.
These shows still go on today. Do we know why? It's because the show has a wide audience of look-lues who are addicted to... mess! It's the same as when reality shows came out. Some of those would be "Basketball Wives", "Real Housewives of whatever", and way too many to mention. They may seemed more sophisticated because many celebrities appear on them, but just as messy and a waste of time. These shows in particular dominated prime time television and cable networks where every station was all about 'reality TV.'
Read full article at our sister site: AT2W
Atlanta Pastor Has Charges Dropped for Shooting Teen, Said He Would Do It Again
Rev. Alex Williams, pastor of the Mechanicsville United Church of God in Christ on McDaniel Street in Fulton County, was arrested and charged May 7 with shooting a 13-year-old boy who was with a group throwing rocks.
The 13 year old had a bullet wound to his hip and was taken to a hospital in stable condition.
On Friday morning, Williams appeared in court where the charge was being dropped. The pastor told Channel 2 that he was thanking the Lord.
Pastor Alex was asked if he would shoot again in similar circumstances. Williams said, "Yes. I don't have no choice if I want to live, 'cause I could have been dead."
One of the youths, Williams said, was "reaching to get his gun out, and I went on and fired."
Fulton County District Attorney Paul L. Howard Jr. said an investigation determined that a group of boys were throwing rocks at Williams, his van and the pastor's church building, and "at least one of those young men had a gun in his possession."
Police were unable to determine whether the weapon was a real gun or a BB gun, but stated witnesses who saw the group of youngsters leaving the scene with a gun with them.
Report from AT2W
Report from AT2W
Why Did Bishop Long Ask D.A. to Drop Burglary Charges Against Young Man?
We are wondering what Bishop Long is getting out of dismissing the charges against former employee Anthony Boyd accused of burglarizing the New Birth Church in 2010? Read our response at the end.
Read the report below:
Bishop Eddie Long has sent a letter to DeKalb County District Attorney Robert James requesting he dismiss burglary charges against a former security guard charged in a 2010 theft at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church.
Anthony Boyd was accused of facilitating the burglary of roughly $100,000 in jewelry and electronics from Long's office inside the church. Boyd's attorney has made it clear the bishop would be called to testify.
Read full story at AT2W
Read the report below:
Bishop Eddie Long has sent a letter to DeKalb County District Attorney Robert James requesting he dismiss burglary charges against a former security guard charged in a 2010 theft at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church.
Anthony Boyd was accused of facilitating the burglary of roughly $100,000 in jewelry and electronics from Long's office inside the church. Boyd's attorney has made it clear the bishop would be called to testify.
Read full story at AT2W
Fifth Accuser Centino Kemp Will Release Bio Book "First Lady" About Bishop Long Escapades
Fifth Accuser Centino Kemp Will Release Bio Book "First Lady" About Bishop Long Escapades
Bishop Eddie Long might as well get ready for more roller coaster rides because the game is still on.
Just recently, two of his accusers Jamal Parris and Spencer LeGrande said they would rather lose all of their settlement money than to keep their hurt bottled up on the inside.
In an interview with Atlanta news, they are planning to write a book together about their experiences with Bishop Eddie Long.
Well, they are not alone in the ousting of their stories about the good Bishop. The fifth and unknown accuser until recently, Centino Kemp, has already written a book about his experiences being "seduced by a powerful religious figure who becomes not only the father figure he never had, but also his lover."
Read entire article at AT2W
Bishop Eddie Long might as well get ready for more roller coaster rides because the game is still on.
Just recently, two of his accusers Jamal Parris and Spencer LeGrande said they would rather lose all of their settlement money than to keep their hurt bottled up on the inside.
In an interview with Atlanta news, they are planning to write a book together about their experiences with Bishop Eddie Long.
Well, they are not alone in the ousting of their stories about the good Bishop. The fifth and unknown accuser until recently, Centino Kemp, has already written a book about his experiences being "seduced by a powerful religious figure who becomes not only the father figure he never had, but also his lover."
Read entire article at AT2W
What Would God Say About King Family Profiting $800,000 From MLK Memorial?
What Would God Say About King Family Profiting $800,000 From MLK Memorial?
From AT2W:
Why are we feeling quite deceived right about now? Could it be true that the new Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial at the National Mall was just a money making mechanism to continue to milk the life out of the King legacy?
Alright, before we go any further and really get beside ourselves, let's take a look at the facts that were found. The Root's Charles E. Cobb Jr. has expressed his feelings and finding about the subject. Charles E. Cobb Jr. was a field organizer in the 1960s for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.
Read the full story at
From AT2W:
Why are we feeling quite deceived right about now? Could it be true that the new Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial at the National Mall was just a money making mechanism to continue to milk the life out of the King legacy?
Alright, before we go any further and really get beside ourselves, let's take a look at the facts that were found. The Root's Charles E. Cobb Jr. has expressed his feelings and finding about the subject. Charles E. Cobb Jr. was a field organizer in the 1960s for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.
The builders of the new had to pay $761,160 for the right to use King's words and images, according to financial documents obtained by the Associated Press. The money went to Intellectual Properties Management Inc. -- a foundation controlled by King's youngest son, Dexter. Another $71,000 was paid out in a "management fee" to the family estate back in 2003.So, the builders whom would create this monument that Americans all over the country have been waiting for, have paid nearly $1 million dollars just to use his words and image. Wow! Did anyone even know images and words pay so much?
Read the full story at
National Baptist Convention Said Will Not Recognize Pastor Zachery Tims
National Baptist Convention Said Will Not Recognize Pastor Zachery Tims
More than 30,000 attendees to the National Baptist Convention 131st Annual Session being held in Orlando September 5-9 at the Convention Center. Dr. Zachery Tims will be on many attendees' minds but Rev. Morris Tipton, director of media relations for the National Baptist Convention stated:
"While we pray for both his (Tims) family and his congregation, there are no plans to formally recognize him," told the Daytona Times.
More than 30,000 attendees to the National Baptist Convention 131st Annual Session being held in Orlando September 5-9 at the Convention Center. Dr. Zachery Tims will be on many attendees' minds but Rev. Morris Tipton, director of media relations for the National Baptist Convention stated:
"While we pray for both his (Tims) family and his congregation, there are no plans to formally recognize him," told the Daytona Times.
"We, as a convention, pray for God's comfort through this difficult time. We also fully believe our place as brothers and sisters in Christ is to pray for those that find themselves outside of the Will of God and for God's love to pull any and every individual that strays from His path,"said Rev. Tipton.
Read entire story at our sister site at AT2W
Alleged Observation of Possible Homicide, Regarding Pastor Howard Creecy’s Cause of Death
This prominent pastor was not only tje pastor of The Olivet Baptist Church in Fayetteville, Georgia, but he was well-known to many circle of prestigious people in Atlanta and even to Bill Cosby. Pastor Howard Creecy, Jr. was best friends to Pastor Gregory Sutton where his funeral attracted many of those who remembered him in their own way. Among those who remembered the temporary president of Southern Christian Leadership Conference was his widow, lady Yolanda Creecy , step-daughter Kennedy, and the pride of his life, his daughter, Teresa. There is strong alleged suspicion that Pastor Howard Creecy's blunt force to the head was not accidental and anonymous people are wondering why didn't investigators look into his case more. Supposedly, Pastor Creecy fell down the stairs and that caused the blunt force to the head. Really? This does not even sound right, it sounds similar to the odd death of the late of Gary Coleman. Isn't that what his wife said and his parents thought it was very suspicious to all of a sudden just fall down the stairs and die in a pool of blood, supposedly from a blunt force to the head? In the death of Gary Coleman his wife got away with alleged murder and so it allegedly appears to be the same in this case with Pastor Creecy's widow, Yolanda.
Our friends over at were the first to give us this tip, they had received from ObnoxiousTV and we will fill you in on the details. However, first and foremost, we want you to know, after a person maybe allegedly guilty of murder and it seems as though they get away with it, God is in control, it does not matter who ignores the facts and it also does not matter about the claims of him being an abusive man. Here is why, if that was the case, why was there an alleged argument with is widow on the night of his death? One of the things that is not fair, a lot of the times when there is a case of a suspicious death involving the husband being abusive, there is always people who bring up his past as an abusive man; however, it is wrong to purposely kill anyone in any alleged case of murder. Now, let us fill you in on the suspicious details that we got from
Someone had wrote William McCrary III and revealed some alleged facts, someone who knew a family member supposedly saw it all the night he was murdered left a message on Mr. McCrary's Facebook wall:
Story tip for you. Have you heard all of the rumors about Yolanda Creecy and her being questioned by the police at least three times about the death of Howard Creecy. It was said that he was due to fly out on that night to LA and he missed his flight or got bumped and he went home. He and Yolanda had been having a great deal of problems, to my understanding and that her ex-husband who just got out of prison my have been back in the picture. Anyway he is dead and it was not of a heart attack but a blow to the head and she had a $700,000 policy on him and has already got her a new condo. Something is up and I know you will get to the bottom of it.
Now, it does not seem like Mrs. Yolanda Creecy may not have been expecting him to come home so early, if this is true her ex-husband has been allegedly back in her life, then, this gives some very important details about an insurance policy of $700,000. An alleged report claims his daughter, Teresa was the executor of his estate. So, if he was only married to Yolanda Creecy for a few years, then there had to be some jealousy going on and $700,000 is not much money left for a first lady of a church. The above alleged statement claims she took out a $700,000 policy on his life, so possibly, if one does so, this is all they can receive, if they are the one who filed the claim, instead of the decease who probably did not leave her one cent.
Another alleged statement on Obnoxious blog revealed here and we will give our opinion:
Just Got the latest news that Dr Howard Creecy’s wife is allegedly responsible for his murdered by a blunt forced trauma to the head during an altercation the night of his death. A close Family source said that the Crecys got into an argument and it escalated into a fight after he had returned home from a party with his friends which it is understood he was intoxicated. and high on cocaine. It is also understood that Howard has a history of violent behavior and it is known that he physically abused his first wife and thats why the marriage ended in Divorce. and now his second wife has been a victim of his drunken brutal behavior. It is also known that he has a history Cocaine abuse. Sources say at the time of the incident it is reported by investigators that after the blow to the head Howard was lying on the floor in a pool of blood. instead of her calling 911, she called her Father over to the house where they both attempted to clean up the blood and clear the house of evidence that wood incriminate Mrs Creecy. Then she called 911. Waiting on announcement of when charges will be filed.
Let us inform you, there was plenty enough time for Mrs. Yolanda Creecy to leave Pastor Howard Creecy. If he was addicted to cocaine and a so-call man of God who goes to parties, he is not only unfit in the pulpit, but also as a husband. So, if there was any problems of him having a drug habit, shouldn't there have been plenty of time for her to divorce him? Also, by her allegedly cleaning up the blood and not immediately calling 911, already makes the claim of him being an abusive man and high on cocaine, obsolete. Whenever, someone cleans up evidence, that is an instant red flag that reveals guilt.
May Pastor Howard Creecy, Jr. forever rest in peace.
photo courtesy:
Our friends over at were the first to give us this tip, they had received from ObnoxiousTV and we will fill you in on the details. However, first and foremost, we want you to know, after a person maybe allegedly guilty of murder and it seems as though they get away with it, God is in control, it does not matter who ignores the facts and it also does not matter about the claims of him being an abusive man. Here is why, if that was the case, why was there an alleged argument with is widow on the night of his death? One of the things that is not fair, a lot of the times when there is a case of a suspicious death involving the husband being abusive, there is always people who bring up his past as an abusive man; however, it is wrong to purposely kill anyone in any alleged case of murder. Now, let us fill you in on the suspicious details that we got from
Someone had wrote William McCrary III and revealed some alleged facts, someone who knew a family member supposedly saw it all the night he was murdered left a message on Mr. McCrary's Facebook wall:
Story tip for you. Have you heard all of the rumors about Yolanda Creecy and her being questioned by the police at least three times about the death of Howard Creecy. It was said that he was due to fly out on that night to LA and he missed his flight or got bumped and he went home. He and Yolanda had been having a great deal of problems, to my understanding and that her ex-husband who just got out of prison my have been back in the picture. Anyway he is dead and it was not of a heart attack but a blow to the head and she had a $700,000 policy on him and has already got her a new condo. Something is up and I know you will get to the bottom of it.
Now, it does not seem like Mrs. Yolanda Creecy may not have been expecting him to come home so early, if this is true her ex-husband has been allegedly back in her life, then, this gives some very important details about an insurance policy of $700,000. An alleged report claims his daughter, Teresa was the executor of his estate. So, if he was only married to Yolanda Creecy for a few years, then there had to be some jealousy going on and $700,000 is not much money left for a first lady of a church. The above alleged statement claims she took out a $700,000 policy on his life, so possibly, if one does so, this is all they can receive, if they are the one who filed the claim, instead of the decease who probably did not leave her one cent.
Another alleged statement on Obnoxious blog revealed here and we will give our opinion:
Just Got the latest news that Dr Howard Creecy’s wife is allegedly responsible for his murdered by a blunt forced trauma to the head during an altercation the night of his death. A close Family source said that the Crecys got into an argument and it escalated into a fight after he had returned home from a party with his friends which it is understood he was intoxicated. and high on cocaine. It is also understood that Howard has a history of violent behavior and it is known that he physically abused his first wife and thats why the marriage ended in Divorce. and now his second wife has been a victim of his drunken brutal behavior. It is also known that he has a history Cocaine abuse. Sources say at the time of the incident it is reported by investigators that after the blow to the head Howard was lying on the floor in a pool of blood. instead of her calling 911, she called her Father over to the house where they both attempted to clean up the blood and clear the house of evidence that wood incriminate Mrs Creecy. Then she called 911. Waiting on announcement of when charges will be filed.
Let us inform you, there was plenty enough time for Mrs. Yolanda Creecy to leave Pastor Howard Creecy. If he was addicted to cocaine and a so-call man of God who goes to parties, he is not only unfit in the pulpit, but also as a husband. So, if there was any problems of him having a drug habit, shouldn't there have been plenty of time for her to divorce him? Also, by her allegedly cleaning up the blood and not immediately calling 911, already makes the claim of him being an abusive man and high on cocaine, obsolete. Whenever, someone cleans up evidence, that is an instant red flag that reveals guilt.
May Pastor Howard Creecy, Jr. forever rest in peace.
photo courtesy:
Howard Creecy’s Cause of Death: Blunt Force Trauma To Head Leads To Suspicion
Our friends over at reported Howard Creecy's death and what could have been the alleged cause of death. In January, Howard Creecy took over the position of Bernice King turned down as the President of Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). We agree, the death ruled as an accident sounds very suspicious. How can one get a blunt force to the head just by falling down the stairs, there is no way that could have happened. According to our source, ObnoxiousTV got a message on his Facebook account from a family member who knew of Mr. and Mrs. Creecy's argument while he was allegedly high on cocaine. There has also been here say that he was very violent with his ex-wife when they were married. However, one must ask, if this is true, wouldn't there be a way out of the marriage, other than to allegedly murder the decease?
You must ask yourself, what really happened in the death of Pastor Howard Creecy? If his widow was questioned 3 times, wouldn't there been any reports that would have gave the investigators a clue to his suspicious death? His best friend Pastor Gregory Sutton must have known something about his personal business that involved his marriage with Yolanda Crecy and also if it was true the late Pastor Howard Creecy was on cocaine. If so, we strongly desire for Pastor Sutton to come forth and speak to the public, regarding his strong feelings, regarding his best friend's death. We are very sure, he discussed secrets of what was going on in his life, right before he passed away.
You must ask yourself, what really happened in the death of Pastor Howard Creecy? If his widow was questioned 3 times, wouldn't there been any reports that would have gave the investigators a clue to his suspicious death? His best friend Pastor Gregory Sutton must have known something about his personal business that involved his marriage with Yolanda Crecy and also if it was true the late Pastor Howard Creecy was on cocaine. If so, we strongly desire for Pastor Sutton to come forth and speak to the public, regarding his strong feelings, regarding his best friend's death. We are very sure, he discussed secrets of what was going on in his life, right before he passed away.
Facts from the Associated Press: The Fulton County medical examiner’s office says the president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference died of blunt force trauma to the head after falling down stairs at his Atlanta home.
A spokesman for the medical examiner’s office said Friday that the Rev. Howard Creecy Jr.’s death last month is listed as an accident. The 57-year-old minister died July 28.
Authorities are unsure what caused Creecy to fall down the stairs.
Creecy, pastor of The Olivet Church in Fayette County, was elected SCLC president in January after the position was declined by Bernice King, daughter of the organization’s co-founder, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. He was a native of Alabama.
Rumor Mill: Now I hope all yall read the rules about gossiping in the section titled About the Church Lady, if its a fact I say its a fact, and if it is a rumor, I say, “Now yall aint heard this from me but word on the street is…:”
Well on the next few paragraphs, yall aint heard this from me but ObnoxiousTV is reporting that word on the street is:
That Rev. Creecy did not die of a heart attack as previous reported and that his wife, Yolanda, has been questioned several times regarding the accident...Read full article here.