Can You Pray The Gay or Lesbianism Away?

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, the One who died on the cross for our sins; no one carried the holy cross while being made mockery of, spit on and had nails drilled into His flesh, but Him.   The homosexual community cannot save us or give us life, but God can, so we do not worship man nor woman or bow down to idol gods.   One question came to mind this morning, the average excuse of the gay man or woman who does not want to change is, the accusation he or she makes toward sanctified Christians, 'they think you can pray the gay away.'  That is a lie from the pit of hell.   What has always been said is, if you not only pray, but also fast and do not desire to choose what offends God, then that is what will work.  

What is so irritating is, is those who lie on the family of God.   If you do not want to change, admit it, but do not falsely accuse the body of Christ of claiming you can pray the gay away, because there is no such thing.  You have to desire righteousness and believe on God's Word that gives us commandments to live holy, no way of getting out of it.  If we love God, we will desire to do things His way in our lives.   Look at this scripture: If ye love me, keep my commandments(John 14:15).  Therefore, we cannot say we love God and make excuses and blame others, just because we would rather satisfy our flesh.   We cannot say we love God and do what we want to do.  Get it?   You lie to God, when you disobey His Word and claim to love Him.

The way those gays and lesbians who have falsely accused the true body of Christ of saying you can pray the gay away reveals homosexuality similar to a disease.  So, let us ask you this question, if something is a disease and cannot go away, even if you pray it away, why would you desire that sort of affliction in your spirit?   This is what makes it so clear, homosexuality will destroy you and once you close your eyes and your heart stops beating you cannot get it back.  Why?  Because when you had a chance to believe God could take it way, you did not believe it.   This is the danger of placing the blame on the body of Christ, just because you do not want overcome homosexuality.  You could lose your life to what will eventually destroy you, all because you refuse to listen and change.   If you do not believe you can pray the gay away, then it is you, no one else but you.   It is not just constant prayer that will take your gay or lesbian lifestyle away, it is your obedience and desire to serve completely serve God and do things His way.   You must have a desire to live a holy and sanctified life and you will have no problems of getting rid of homosexuality in your life.  Make no more excuses and God will save you from homosexuality, it is more than praying the demon of homosexuality away.


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