Now, we can clearly see that all of the racial conflicts that has occurred in America has not really been about white and black issues, but it was the trick of Satan and his plan was to control the very race that was suppressed to come into submission to the gay and lesbian community, which is the alleged new slave master in America. It seems as though they have used bullying as a way to push their beliefs off on those who were raised to oppose homosexuality, but now they are bullying the church, Latinos, African Americans and whomever else will fall for their game.
The way Rev. Al Sharpton has used the excuse of his sister being a lesbian to condone homosexuality reveals he was never called to preach, but Sharpton has been used to by the Devil to always defend black people, whether they are right or wrong, whether they live for God or Satan. Sharpton does not care, he has always cared about proving that white folks are the only real enemy, which hides the fact that the Devil has been behind white supremacists and their violent acts, the destruction of black people against their own race, Hispanics who destroy their own race, Latinos who have murdered black people in Los Angeles and other metropolitan cities, gang war between blacks and Hispanics and many other situations that has destroyed peace in America. It makes you wonder and ask yourself a very important question, now that the gay and lesbian community are using civil rights equal to the rights of racial issues and even biracial marriages, did God use the late Dr. Martin Luther King or was it Satan who used him as a tool to do what he has been orchestrating today, for homosexuals to dominate America and take the rights to believe in righteousness away from all races?
God does not want any more civil rights activists speaking out on any issues, because people are not willing to surrender and turn away from sin. Historically, the subject of racial inequality in America was Satan's strategy to oppose God's Word that instructs us to turn away from same sex relationships. It was a trick very the beginning when African Americans were forced onto the slave ship from Africa. The Devil knew we would eventually have diversity in America from all of the demands that were made by the civil rights activists who were right to speak out against racism and slavery. Therefore, he used white supremacy to control black people who would someday also bow down to the homosexual community and also fight for their rights.
Folks, God has been speaking for too long. After the AIDS epidemic took many lives since 1981, it looks like black people along with homosexuals or any other race would have repented and bowed down to God by now, but no, they have been ruled by the same Satanic force that controlled the most stubborn tribe in history, the children of Israel.
Something is wrong with any so-call man or woman of God who goes against righteousness and tries to silent those who desire to live right and turn away from sin. Many ministers like Rev. Al Sharpton are going to be destroyed for the rebellion they have spoke into an oppressed community, if they do not immediately repent. Black people have complained and wondered why white people have been on top for so long without even realizing many of them were spiritually on an assignment by Satan to grasp them into hell along with all of their most of their tribe. Civil rights is over and God demands that no more activists open up their mouths and complain about racism or any other problem, because when it was time to repent and turn away from sin, they rebelled and joined many descendants of the white slave masters who control the gay and lesbian community.
We promise you, the worst slavery that many blacks and other races will face after death is in hell. That is a place of eternal torment and those souls who did not obey God will never get out and escape, because God was very patient and gave them time to repent, including Rev. Al Sharpton.
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