First, you must stop going to the gay affirming church. This is your first step to assist you out of your mistaken life long commitment. Stop attending weekly services and if your partner desires to continue to go, tell them you are free and they must go without you, if they do not desire to be free with you. Do not argue with them. As they speak, politely tell them that you have made a commitment to God and you are done living the same way you have been living for too long. Let them know that the gay affirming church you were married in, is really a Satanic church. The reason why the church does not see themselves as a Satanic church, is because they have no idea Satan is behind their ministry, they are spiritually blind. They are too ignorant to know that the Devil founded that church through them, so you must trust God and not only leave your same sex spouse, but also the gay affirming church.
Do you think it is too late? Even if you have been with your partner for 50 years or more, it is never too late to turn your life around and leave homosexuality in the past, completely dead. If you have been miserable and have wasted your life going to marriage counseling with your gay affirming church and you are still not happy, that is a sure sign homosexuality was never for you. So you must find a way to save up and move out, even if it means calling the police to protect you and your belongings. Sometimes, when you are so miserable, it is not worth it, just leave everything behind and start your life over with Jesus Christ. If you think it would be too difficult to be honest with your spouse, just pick up and go when they are not home and leave a note behind to let them know you left your relationship to begin a new life with Jesus Christ. Of course, it is not easy, but it is worth it.
The reason why a lot of gays and lesbians are unhappy while attending a gay affirming church, is because they do not support you when you desire to cease your relationship, they only assist you, if you desire to remain in your miserable life. So, what you need to do as we said before, seek God, seek Him first, because without Him, you cannot make it and will not be set free from homosexuality. Then, find a Christian counselor that will help you turn your life around, according to God's Word. Next, you need to start seeing yourself as a person that has been washed and cleansed through Jesus Christ. If you are a man or a woman start doing things that straight men do, not the usual things that affiliate with the gay and lesbian community.
Say this simple prayer:
Dear Jesus, come into my life, cleanse my soul and free me from homosexuality. I humbly ask you to forgive me for all of my sins, not just homosexuality. I want to be your child and want to make sure I make it to heaven someday. I want to be made whole.
Now, start imagining Jesus Christ carrying the cross for you. Imagine how he was spit on, beat and laughed at. Picture the nails drilled through his hands as he hung on that cross. Now, start thanking God for giving His Son to die on that cross for you. Start thanking Him from delivering you from homosexuality. Praise God for your deliverance, you don't have to feel, just know He heard your prayer.
Now you are saved, set free and completely delivered from homosexuality. Don't worry about your present circumstances, it maybe hard to separate at first, but allow God to guide your life. Pray daily and wait on Him to completely set you free from your same sex partner for the rest of your days.
If you need help and desire to really change from being gay, lesbian or transgender, you must visit:
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